Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Every Friday (that classes take place) I will be in the UTC UC Food Court from 12:30 to 2:00 to buy lunch for any UTC student, faculty or staff member. The Episcopal Campus ministry group will meet in this way for this academic year. Please come out for great fellowship, conversation, and free food.

Yours in Christ,

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lunch on Friday


Anyone who reads this is welcome to meet me at the UTC UC for free lunch on Friday, August 28th, at 12:35ish. We will be around for an hour and a half, so hopefully your class schedule will allow you to join us.

I hope to see everyone there!

Yours in Christ,

Monday, August 17, 2009

UTC, UTK, and Western Kentucky


There is a possibility that the Episcopal Chaplaincies from UTC, UTK, and Western Kentucky might get together for the opening football game in Knoxville. The Vols will host Western Kentucky on Saturday, September 5th, at noon.

We will drive up to Knoxville very early (sleeping in the car is allowed) on the morning of the game where we will share a reception at the UTK's Epsicopal Campus Ministry House with Episcopal students from UTK and Western Kentucky. Then, we will all walk to Neyland Stadium for the game. After the game, we will share an Episcopal Eucharist together and then head back to Chattanooga.

The price for the transportation, reception, and game will be covered by the UTC Episcopal Chaplaincy. But, you will need to bring your own money for stadium food. Please let me know if you plan on attending our first UTC outing of the year.

Yours in Christ,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fall Activities Fair


Please stop by "Cardiac Hill" on Wednesday the 19th of September from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and say hello to the UTC Episcopal Chaplaincy. I, your Episcopal Chaplain, will be staffing a booth on the hill. this will be a chance for me to meet new students, say hello to returning students, and distribute information for the coming year.

Also, anyone who is around after the 2:00 PM break-down time will be treated to lunch in the UC on the UTC Episcopal Chaplaincy.

I hope to see everyone there.

Yours in Christ,

Monday, August 10, 2009

Oak Street Roast

Greetings friends,

On Sunday afternoon, August 16th, at 4:00, I (your UTC Episcopal Chaplain) will be on Oak Street - smack dab in the middle of UTC's campus - for the fabled "Oak Street Roast". Look for us by the Methodists - they will have sweet tea, we will have oatmeal cream pies. If we have never met, this will be a good opportunity for us to do just that. If we have already met, this would be a great time for us to catch up.

Yours in Christ,

P.S. The University has paid for food for the student body too - free food for all!



Many of you have been away for the summertime. To you I say, "Welcome back!"

Many more of you are newly arriving at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. To you I say, "Welcome!"

This year promises to be a great one as the changes at UTC continue and the spirit of renewal is palpable. I hope to meet every Episcopal student at UTC and be able to serve them in any way as there is need.

I can be reached via email or by telephone. This info is posted on my facebook page for the UTC Episcopal Chaplaincy. It is called, interestingly enough, "UTC Episcopal Chaplaincy." If you become a member of the group, you will be added to the email list. This list lets you know about all of the UTC Episcopal Chaplaincy events and will give you the heads up on how you can be involved.

Yours in Christ,

Monday, May 4, 2009

Thank you all for a Great Year Together!

Greetings friends,

Now that graduation has passed us by and the halls of UTC are once again quiet - for the moment - I thought that I would thank all of those who participated in the UTC Episcopal Chaplaincy this past year. As many of you know, this was my first year in this capacity and I know that we learned a lot together. The UTC Episcopal Chaplaincy will be "announcement light" during the summer, but if you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me. The facebook page (UTC Episcopal Chaplaincy) is perhaps the best way to do that.

Yours in Christ,